The first part of this series covered seven kick-ass blackletter typefaces. This new part presents five more that will help you explore new aesthetic realms.
1. Birdy
Birdy by Typetogether is experimental inline blackletter.
2. Germanica
Paul Llyod’s Germanica is a free blackletter interpretation with five variations.
3. Unifraktur
Unifraktur is an open-source font based on Peter Wiegel’s font Koch Fette Deutſche Schrift.
4. Marian Black
Marian Black by Commercial Type imagines blackletter to its barest structure.
5. Olde
Olde by Oh No Type is an Americanised fake blackletter.
Olde, image by Oh No Type
How would you use these typefaces?
Or, how have you used blackletter typefaces before?
Tweet to us, tell us in Insta DM — we are watching out for your picks!
header typefaces: xanh mono, grobe deutschmeister, phaeton, header designed by: tejas